Breast Care

5 Myths About Breast Cancer Symptoms

Many organizations have increased awareness about breast cancer in the last several decades. All this is good, but sometimes old wives tales or myths pop up and they are repeated and spread on the internet. Let’s give you the facts and 5 myths about breast cancer symptoms.  » Read more about: 5 Myths About Breast Cancer Symptoms  »

Mammogram FAQs You May Be Too Nervous to Ask

Many younger women having their first few mammograms are undoubtedly nervous. This is a new and somewhat scary test. Even women who are so-called “veterans” of mammogram screenings can find themselves with new questions or concerns. Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions of your doctor or the radiologist about an upcoming test. Here are a few answers to mammogram FAQs you may be too nervous to ask.  » Read more about: Mammogram FAQs You May Be Too Nervous to Ask  »

How To Perform A Monthly Breast Exam

A monthly breast self-exam is another tool women have in conjunction with annual mammograms to find cancers early and improve survival rates. You use your hands and eyes to detect any changes in the look and feel of your breasts. Not a replacement for annual mammograms, it is still valuable to be familiar with the normal consistencies of your breast. When cancer is detected early, the chances of survival are much improved. Let us go through how to perform a monthly breast exam.  » Read more about: How To Perform A Monthly Breast Exam  »

Why Are Routine Mammograms So Important?

One of the most important imaging tools physicians have at their disposal is a mammogram. They have become vitally important because they save lives. They are so important we now can get one on a mobile mammography bus. Important enough that it’s women’s healthcare practically coming to your door, but why are routine mammograms so important?  » Read more about: Why Are Routine Mammograms So Important?  »

Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Cancer Screenings During The Pandemic

Early in the COVID pandemic, cancer screening centers and outpatient offices were closed. At the same time elective medical procedures were put on hold and suspended to better prioritize urgent care. That is no longer the case, so if you were one of those who had a screening delayed, here are the reasons why you shouldn’t put off cancer screenings during the pandemic even one more day.  » Read more about: Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Cancer Screenings During The Pandemic  »

Preventing Breast Cancer in Your Everyday Life

Do you wake up every morning thinking about preventing breast cancer in your everyday life? We seriously doubt it, but if you are someone with a higher risk for breast cancer due to your family or your age, maybe you should consider paying more attention to preventative strategies. There are some simple and specific changes you can make to help lower your risk for breast cancer.  » Read more about: Preventing Breast Cancer in Your Everyday Life  »

New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines You Should Know

If you have been confused in the past by changes in breast cancer screening guidelines, buckle up! Recently, more changes have been passed down as guidelines, so it’s important to make sure you’re knowledgeable.  » Read more about: New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines You Should Know  »

How Can Breast Reduction Surgery Improve Your Lifestyle?

Why does it seem that the grass always greener? Petite women often wish they were taller, and many women with small breasts wish they had larger ones. However, in reality you don’t really want the latter, as it can be a problem. Yes, having an ample bosom can be a problem.
You may get noticed, but many large breasted women would rather not get attention for that reason. More importantly, they would rather not have the discomfort that accompanies large breasts.  » Read more about: How Can Breast Reduction Surgery Improve Your Lifestyle?  »